Pain Reset
Have pain, numbness, tingling or weakness for more than 3 months? Ready to overcome your symptoms, even if nothing else has worked?
Chronic pain is very different from acute pain. The same treatments for acute pain often do not work for chronic pain.
We do things differently at Brain & Body Chiropractic.
Ever wonder why your pain isn’t going away?
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of misinformation that leads people to live with their pain for way too long.
This may be true with acute injuries, but does not apply to chronic pain. Most tissues heal within 3 months. If the pain persists beyond this time frame, it becomes chronic pain. From this point on, the pain is less related to tissue damage, and more related to a nervous system on high-alert. Your doctor must look beyond muscles and joints to find out why you are hurting. Many painful conditions can be managed naturally.
Degeneration and pain are not synonymous. Degeneration and pain don’t always have a cause and effect relationship. Degeneration happens naturally as we age. Its common for people without pain to have “abnormal” x-ray or MRI, while others in pain have normal x-ray or MRI. Chronic pain occurs when the nervous system is on high-alert. This cannot be seen on x-ray or MRI. What appears on imaging studies are often false alarms.
Your pain is very real. Your brain likely plays a role in perpetuating the pain, but this doesn’t mean you are imagining it, or you can imagine it away. Pain is a complex experience. According to the Institute of Medicine, doctors only receive an average of 9 hours on pain education. Only about 1 out of 4 primary care doctors feels “very prepared” to counsel patients on pain management. A doctor with up-to-date training on pain science can correctly identify your CORE PROBLEM and avoid therapeutic mistakes.
As explained under Mistake 1, overcoming chronic pain is less about healing tissue, and more about calming a nervous system on high alert. Time heals many things, but not chronic pain in most cases. This is because your nervous system is really good at learning patterns and solidifying the learned patterns over time. Waiting can make the pain cycle even harder to break. In our experience, the right therapies can reset pain cycles within 6 visits, if not sooner in some cases.
Traditional chiropractic and physical therapy focus more on correcting structural dysfunction. But chronic pain is less about structures and more about nerves and a nerve specific therapy is typically needed. Plus, the right solution is not only about WHAT to do, but also WHEN and HOW to do it. If you have tried everything, have you tried everything in the right combination with the right intensity in the right progression? Think about making a cake. Having all the ingredients doesn’t make a great cake. Knowing WHEN and HOW to put everything together does. The best solution for your pain is a personalized combination of passive and active therapies that target your CORE PROBLEM.
Our evidence-informed, neurology-based approach allows us to:

Take an ENGINEERING APPROACH to your condition

Dig deep to uncover CORE PROBLEMS that cause your symptoms

Give you RAPID and SUSTAINABLE symptom relief and functional improvement
“I messed up my knee by refurbishing an old wood floor. I did PT, knee braces and prescription ointment for swelling. Nothing was working and began to accept the possibility of knee surgery… I went from regular workouts and doing construction to barely being able to do a full “Meijer run”…
Dr Lily and Dr Kody worked on me and I am back in business! My pain in my knee and hip are gone along with the swelling.”
– C. J.
“I had done physical therapy twice after foot surgery and struggled with discomfort in my foot and in my leg for a few years… Dr. Lily has been able to relieve my discomfort greatly in a short amount of time. I also appreciate their honesty and thoughtfulness in their practice.”
– D. M.